Now lets keep right along with the fun! The designers over at Gotta Pixel have put together an awesome Blog train to help celebrate iNSD. This is my part
And if you get lost along the way you can check back here for the full list of designer blogs
Train starts at Gotta Pixel http://www.gottapixel.net/forum/blog.php
Dani - http://daniscrap.blogspot.com/
Jennifer - www.wordartworld.blogspot.com
Danyale - http://bygonesscrapbooks.blogspot.com/
Connie - http://www.connieprince.com
Spinky Dink - http://spinkydinkscraps.com/blog
Sherry Ferguson - http://sherryfergusondesigns.blogspot.com/
Mye DeLeon - http://myedeleon.com
Crisdam Designs - www.crisdamdesigns.com/blog
Lindsay Jane - http://lindsayjanedesigns.blogspot.com/
Kristmess - http://kristmessdesigns.blogspot.com/
Kathryn Estry - http://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Trixie Scraps - http://blog.trixiescraps.com
LorieM Designs - http://digiscrapdesigns-by-lorie.blogspot.com/
Colie - http://coliescorner.blogspot.com/ ME :)
Aprilisa- http://aprilisadesigns.blogspot.com
Armina Designs - www.arminadesigns.com/blog
She's Full Of Scrap - www.shesfullofscrap.com
A+ Designs - http://www.aplusdesigns.blogspot.com/
Laitha - www.laitha.com/blog
Laurie - http://www.lauriesscraps.com/
And one last thing for you shopping pleasure
use code- colie_iNSD1 and save $1.00 off of your order of $5 or more
use code- colie_iNSD3 and save $3.00 off of your order of $10 or more
use code- colie_iNSD6 and save $6.00 off of your order of $15 or more
use code- colie_iNSD10 and save $10.00 off of your order of $25 or more
coupons expire 5/31/11 and are good for 3 uses per customer
valid at Digitals, Ginger Scraps and Gotta Pixel
Have a great day Happy Scapping
Thanks for the gorgeous kit.
Thank you so much, It's beautiful.
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thank you!! :)
Thanks so much!
LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing.:)
Thank you so much! So pretty!! :)
Such a lovely mini. Love this color palatte. Thank you so much for your contribution.
Beautiful! Thank you!
Thank you for your lovely part of this beautiful train. Much appreciated!
Thank you for the lovely gift :) Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing a part of this beautiful train
Thanks so much - your papers are just fantastic and the bead spray is brilliant!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on May. 08, 2011. Thanks again.
So fresh and beautiful. Thank you.
This is so beautiful. The colors in this collection make me think of my 6 month old granddaughter. So sweet and lovely. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Wishing you a Happy Day today and always!
Thanks for sharing your pretty kit with us. caseym
Everything is so wonderful within this fun INSD gift. Thank you for the fun and enjoyable aspects of your designs.
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